Cows are better than money

Abdoullahi Baba
35 minutes

Mohammadou Habidou decided to abandon nomadism for a sedentary life. He is living with his family near Ngaoundal, in Northern Cameroon. The film brings us to the area of Djoundé, to one of numerous small villages in Northern cameroon. We get in touch with habibou and his everyday realities, struggling with his family to make a living after having abandoned their nomadic way of life in exchange for sedentarization. For habibou and his people, breeding cows is no longer their only concern. Farming, power, religious knowledge, the impact of the railway on their lives... all these sircumstances are part of their new reality. Becoming sedentarized is not as easy as it may seem.

Producer / Production company: 
Visual Cultural Studies, The Arctic University of Norway
Other keywords: 