

La Debutante / Lena Tosta / 2017 / 45 minutes
La Mémoire Dur / Rossella Ragazzi / 2000 / 1 hour and 22 minutes
Laguna Negra / Michael Watts / 2009 / 23 minutes
Lalibalocc - Living in the endless Blessing / Itsushi Kawase / 2005 / 25 minutes
Land of Udehe / Ivan Golovnev / 2015 / 26 minutes
Law and War in Rural Kenya / Suzette Heald / 2010 / 1 hour and 4 minutes
Learning to Become a Muslim / Mari Bjørnsdatter Knudsen / 2003 / 27 minutes
Lesha / Elena Demidova / 2011 / 32 minutes
Letter to the Dead / Eytan Kapon and Andre Iteanu / 2002 / 1 hour and 2 minutes
Life is / Vladimir Perovic / 2013 / 25 minutes
Lifelibrary / Amanda Belantara / 2007 / 15 minutes
Light as steam / Leonid Saveliev / 2014 / 33 minutes
Liquid Journeys / Liliana Grzybowska / 2013 / 19 minutes
Liu Yongzhou and his Puppets / Jianqin Li / 2004 / 47 minutes
Living a reel life / Siren Hope / 2003 / 37 minutes
Living with Gods / Reni Jasinski Wright / 2004 / 34 minutes
Living with the Invisibles / Dirk Dumon / 2003 / 52 minutes
Lokkol / Fransesco Sincich / 2013 / 51 minutes
Lon Marum: The People of the Volcano / Soraya Hosni and Filip Talevu / 2013 / 48 minutes
Long Time No See / Johannes Sjöberg / 2001 / 33 minutes
Longing for belonging / Beate Mortensen Nesheim / 2001 / 42 minutes
Looking for Mr. Right Now / Anne Chahine / 2015 / 14 minutes
Luc de Heusch - Wild Thinking / Karine De Villers / 2007 / 50 minutes
Lukas´ Moment / Aryo Danusiri / 2005 / 59 minutes
Lukomir, my home / Manca Filak and Žiga Gorišek / 2018 / 1 hour and 2 minutes
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