Living a reel life

Siren Hope
37 minutes


Kollywood, the Tamil film-industry, is situated in Chennai, which is on the Southeast coast of India. The film-industry provides a living for about one fifth of Chennai's population. Living a Reel Life is a film about the lives of two women linked to cinema. It gives the story of Praveena, a cinematography student who is being trained to enter the commercial film-industry, but who would rather work with documentaries. We follow her in her process of becoming a camerawoman, and in her reflections upon the film-industry. Suhasini, the second character, is a famous actress and director who has acted in about 185 films and can tell us a lot about what it is like being a women in a male-dominated industry. In Living a Reel Life you get a taste of what the Kollywood-life is like, as well as a taste of the Tamil popular-films themselves.

Producer / Production company: 
Visual Cultural Studies, The Arctic University of Norway
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